Category: Diets

when there is no turning back...

The Negative Impact of Leptin Resistance on Weight Loss

To understand this condition, you must first understand what leptins are and where they come from. Leptins can best be described as protein hormones produced by the fat cells of your body. As your bloodstream circulates throughout your body, it delivers leptins to your brain. Okay, so what does this do? The metabolic processes that…
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SCD Buddy: Our 1st Mobile Application is Live! It’s Free and it’s On Android.

We have just released our very first mobile application called “SCD Buddy”. SCD Buddy is the perfect companion for anyone following the SCD diet or GAPS diet. Did you already find yourself in a shop, wondering if this or that food was legal on SCD? With SCD Buddy loaded in your Android Phone, you won’t…
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What Can You Expect from the SCD Diet?

The SCD diet, or Specific Carbohydrate Diet, is a diet that eliminates starches, sugars, processed foods, grains, and most dairy. This diet removes many of the toxic foods that can wreak havoc on the body and cause digestive system issues, even in people who are healthy. The diet offers all of the nourishment that the…
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The GAPS Diet: Don’t Be a Victim to Your Digestion Anymore!

Just What Is This GAPS Diet You Keep Hearing About? The GAPS diet was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Dr. Campbell-McBride is a neurologist and nutritionist who specializes in treating disorders such as, autism, ADD and ADHD, and a host of other conditions that plague both children and adults. She adapted her own version of…
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Living a Sustainable Lifestyle with the Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic diet doesn’t just make sense healthwise, it also makes a huge difference in our environment. The Paleolithic diet, or Paleo diet for short, is a diet that consists of fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, and meats. There are no processed foods, so the diet is fairly easy to supply. Some Paleo eaters go as…
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Can the Paleo Diet Really Help You Lose Weight?

As you may know by now, the Paleo diet has many health benefits. It involves a lower consumption of starch-containing foods such as grains and legumes, which effectively prevents obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Paleo diet followers also benefit from lower cholesterol levels because the diet involves eating fish and lean meat, which contain low…
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Can Following a Paleo Diet Make You Healthier?

The answer is yes! Following the Paleo diet has helped thousands and thousands of people throughout the world reinvent their health and their bodies. This diet was created based on what our ancestors in the Paleolithic period ate. The diet consists of eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fresh meats and fish. Unfortunately, our diets…
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Introduction to the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet has shot to the forefront of our awareness in the past few years. Even though there are many diets to choose from, the Paleo diet is unique for several reasons. The more you find out about it, you begin to see that this is really more of a diet concept. What you…
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A Quick Look at ‘The Great Cholesterol Lie’ Program

High-cholesterol is something which has an affect on more than 100,000,000 Americans. Needless to say high cholesterol doesn’t live on its own, in fact you’ll realize that heart attacks and strokes are two things that go hand in hand with high cholesterol. You probably also realize that when it comes to dealing with high cholesterol…
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