Author: Charles W. James

when there is no turning back...

Are You Suffering from Digestive Issues? Here are the 4 Most Common Causes (And Their Solutions)

Millions of people suffer from digestive issues. I have mentioned on this page the four most common causes as well as their solutions. 1. Candida and C. Difficile Candida overgrowth occurs in the body when the good flora is eliminated and the yeast begins to overgrow. This occurs with a traditional diet of highly processed…
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What Can You Expect from the SCD Diet?

The SCD diet, or Specific Carbohydrate Diet, is a diet that eliminates starches, sugars, processed foods, grains, and most dairy. This diet removes many of the toxic foods that can wreak havoc on the body and cause digestive system issues, even in people who are healthy. The diet offers all of the nourishment that the…
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99% of the Time it is Low Stomach Acidity (Hypochlorhydria) Which Causes Heartburn, Acid Reflux and Hair Loss – Antacids Make The Problem Worse!

If you are among the millions of adults who suffer from uncomfortable stomach and digestive problems, such as gas, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, or hair loss, your symptoms could be caused by one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed medical conditions among adults, Hypochlorhydria. Table of content: What Is Hypochlorhydria? The Scope of the Problem The…
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“Paleo Breton” Treat – SCD Friendly

Today, I have a special treat for you. At first glance you may think it looks like regular (but healthy) bread. I assure you, this is a VERY different kind of bread. Even if you have eaten Paleo or SCD breads, this will taste completely different. In my opinion, this recipe is so different in…
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Paleo and SCD Friendly Creamy Fraisier Cake

Today you’ll be treated to a truly delicious dessert or snack minus all the processed sugar. We became interested in this so our kids could enjoy a sweet snack. They’ve been struggling a bit since our family has switched to the Paleo diet. I’ve been managing my Crohn’s disease for about six years. But I…
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The Impressive Benefits of the Silkworm Enzyme (Serrapeptase)

If you have any type of health condition that involves inflammation, such as arthritis, sinus problems or blockage of the arteries, the proteolytic enzyme called serrapeptase may be able to help you. This is an enzyme derived from silkworms, and it has helped people with a surprising number of health problems. It works by dissolving…
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Superfoods: Superhero Among Foods

What makes superman super? Is it his alien race or maybe his powers? No. It is his ability to assimilate with normal folks while having superhuman abilities. Who would believe that a simple journalist like Clark Kent can actually fly, is faster than a speeding bullet, and stronger than a locomotive? The exact same thing…
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Superfoods – Vital To Nutrition & Safe Weight Loss

Nutrition related medical conditions contribute to the 300,000 to 800,000 deaths in the US each year. That should get your attention even though you know the importance of good nutrition. There are more alarming developments in the area of nutrition. 1. An imbalance of healthy and unhealthy fats in our diets. People eat too many…
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The GAPS Diet: Don’t Be a Victim to Your Digestion Anymore!

Just What Is This GAPS Diet You Keep Hearing About? The GAPS diet was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Dr. Campbell-McBride is a neurologist and nutritionist who specializes in treating disorders such as, autism, ADD and ADHD, and a host of other conditions that plague both children and adults. She adapted her own version of…
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Fructose – Information About A Simple Carbo Sugar

Fructose is a carbohydrate simple sugar and is a common component in many varieties of plants. The name is derived from fruit and hence it’s called a fruit sugar. Fructose can be an instant source of energy because it enters the bloodstream directly when digested. Sources of fructose include corn, sugar cane, honey, fruits grown…
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High Fructose Corn Syrup & Your Diet

High fructose corn syrup, HFCS, is a combination of glucose and fructose and is a thick syrup used in the food industry. There are several types of HFCS that differ mainly in the percentages of each sugar. The degree of sweetness is determined by a process using enzymes during manufacturing. There are many reasons to…
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Omega-3 Deficiency & Metabolic Syndrome in The Brain

In May 2012, a research study was reported in The Journal of Physiology about Metabolic Syndrome and omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers concluded: 1. Metabolic dysfunctions affect brain functions and performance. 2. Omega-3 deficiency is just one mechanism and how a poor diet can hinder optimal brain functions.…
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