Aloe Vera Gel – Amazing Uses From a Simple Plant

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Aloe Vera Gel – Amazing Uses From a Simple Plant

Aloe is an amazing plant. It is easy to grow, easy to store and easy to maintain. Gel, juice and supplements are available just about anywhere that you can buy medicinal products or natural products. For centuries the eastern world has been using the gel from aloe plants to treat just about every condition under the sun. The western world started catching on to its usefulness in the early twentieth century. Since then, its acceptance and use has spread like wildfire. Now it seems like everybody knows of at least a couple of things that they can treat by using aloe.

For Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumatoid-arthritisTaking aloe in supplement is said to help ease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Some people who take aloe gel analgesics report that they see a weakening of their symptoms and an improvement in their overall quality of life. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that can greatly reduce a person’s quality of life because it affects how they do every day tasks that most of us take for granted. People who suffer from this condition have constantly painful and stiff joints. Vera supplements are said to help ease their joints, loosen them up and reduce the swelling that this disease creates. In addition to being able to move more easily, those who take these herbal remedies report feeling better in other areas of their life as well.

For Skin Conditions

baby-skin-conditionsEverybody knows that aloe can be used for sunburns. It can also be used on wounds and acne. But you might not know that other types of skin conditions are reported by some people as remedied by taking vera gel each morning. Aloe is said to increase the skin’s collagen production which can make it softer, more elastic and more resilient against agents that might otherwise harm it. Some people suffering from chronic skin conditions report seeing a drastic reduction in their symptoms and flare ups after taking aloe supplements.

For Acne

In addition to helping with sunburns, the gel is said to be good for skin conditions like acne. Acne can be treated in many different ways: diet, exercise and through a skin care regimen. Cleansers and moisturizers and toners are all great for keeping the skin clear and pimple free but when breakouts do occur, the gel is said to be a wonderful herbal helper. The topical application of aloe vera has been known to soothe skin and to help it heal, which makes it perfect for the occasional breakout. Some people believe that aloe can even help to give you softer skin.

For Wounded Skin

Aloe vera contains a bunch of amino acid that can be used to help heal skin when it is wounded. This is one of the reasons why so many natural healers recommend using it when you get a burn or a scrape or a cut. A salve is made from the crushed leaves of the plant and applied topically. It can also be made by mixing the gel with a thickening agent and spread over the top of a skin injury. The juice helps keep the wound from getting irritated and promotes faster healing. This is reported by some aloe enthusiasts as one of the best ways to treat cuts and scrapes that happen during outdoorsy adventures.

For Hair Loss

hair-lossSome people have insisted that taking aloe gel can help them grow hair! Forget the commercials for the spray on hair. Forget buying toupees. Try taking aloe supplements instead. Hair contains a lot of collagen and the aloe gel is said to increase the collagen production in the skin, which promotes hair growth. Who knew that preventing baldness and keeping your hair thick and healthy could be as easy as taking a simple herbal supplement each day? It is at least what some people say – didn’t have the opportunity to try this out myself… yet!

For Digestion

digestive-tractSome people use aloe supplements for digestion trouble. Some who have suffered from heartburn and stomach problems say that taking aloe  regularly helps them cut down on these problems and helps them eat regularly. Heartburn is more than a simple inconvenience. For many people, heartburn is a terrible, recurring condition. Vera is said to help keeping heartburn under control so that a person does not have to be quite as careful about when or what he eats. Of course always consult a doctor before following advices you read on the internet. It is said that the gel can help restore dietary freedom to people who suffer from sensitive stomachs as well.

FOR Your Digestive Tract

Do you suffer from problems with your bowels? In addition to general digestion aid, the gel found in the aloe plant could potentially help keep your bowels moving and many people claim that it is a powerful treatment for constipation. Constipation is a very unpleasant and, often, painful condition in which your body is not able to rid itself of waste via bowel movements. The waste stays in the body and over time can cause a variety of health issues. Drinking just a couple of ounces of gel each day is said to help you keep from getting “stopped up”.

There are lots of other natural products that can help with this as well. Fiber is an especially well known natural remedy for people who have problems with their bowels. The active cultures in yogurt can also aid your digestion. It is said that gel from the aloe plant can help every part of your digestive system from your esophagus to your bowels. If regularity has ever been a problem for you, some of this stuff could help fix you right up!

For Bronchitis

If you have ever suffered from bronchitis or had to deal with a recurring cough, you will be happy to know that the gel is said to help fight your cough as well. All of the anti-oxidants in aloe are said to help increase your blood flow and cell production. These things are said to help strengthen your lungs so that you can potentially fight against the bacteria that threaten to invade your bronchioles and increase your mucous production (the condition that exacerbates your cough and keeps it going).

For Headaches

headachesDo you suffer from headaches? The gel is said to help for this too! One of the main reasons that people suffer from headaches is dehydration. Aloe application is said to moisturize the skin as well as increase the body’s blood flow and capillary dilation. If this is true, then these things help increase the amount of oxygen and moisture the brain receives, which can go a long way to helping with your headaches — not to mention the hydration you get from drinking the juice itself!

For Oral Hygiene

oral-hygieneSome people affirm that your oral hygiene could be greatly stepped up by using aloe gel. Keeping your teeth, gums and tongue healthy is very important to your overall health. You already brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss and use mouthwash. You know how important it is for your mouth to get fluoride to fight against plaque and cavities. Why not take some aloe supplements or drink some gel as well? Your mouth could thank you for the added boost in its protection.

For Your Circulatory System

circulatory-systemDrinking just a couple of ounces of gel every day is said to help improve your circulatory system. It is said to help keep bacteria out of your blood stream as well as keep your capillaries dilated, which in turns helps to ensure that your blood is able to flow quickly and easily throughout your body. I personally have not seen any serious study or scientific evidence about this but this is what some aloe enthusiasts report on the internet. It is said that it could also promote cell growth which is good for all parts of your body. You know how important it is to keep your circulatory system in working order. After all, the blood pumping through your body is vital! You’ve heard about keeping clogging agents (like cholesterol) out of your arteries, but how often are you told to keep your capillaries dilated? Both are essential to staying alive.

For Cleaning Your Body

Aloe Vera is said to help detoxify your body. In addition to adding helpful components to your system, its gel is said to help your body expel the toxins and other substances that work to break it down. So many people think that the only way to detoxify your system is to do one of those master cleanses that has become so popular or to make themselves sweat profusely. Drinking the gel of the aloe plant – just a couple of ounces each morning – is said to help do the same thing. No need to sweat profusely or forego food for a few days.

For Your General Health

Your general health could potentially benefit quite a bit from the ingesting of aloe vera, as reported by many people all over the world. This plant is said to boost your immune system and help you stay healthy. Having a healthy immune system is important for fighting off bacteria and other germs that want to invade your body and turn it into a temple of phlegm. You probably already know that vitamin C helps keep you healthy but it is also said that taking supplements of the aloe plant could do the same or even more. Drinking the juice of the plant or taking a supplemental pill is reported by some people as a great way to boost your health and help fighting off illness and disease.

There are so many reported benefits to drinking aloe’s gel that it is hard to pick just a few to feature in an article. Aloe vera is said to help you feel better, clear your skin, heal your wounds and pretty much do anything you could ever want it to do. It’s filled with anti-oxidants, nutrients and vitamins that the body needs to keep growing and stay strong. When it comes to herbal remedies, it seems that aloe vera is simply one of the best.

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28 Responses

  1. M.Mohandas says:

    I am having diabetics and I had used for 2years. It has very much helped me to reduce the problem.

  2. Norman S Jarvis says:

    mixed 3 ounces of pure aloe with one ounce of Colloidal Silver put in in a fine spritzer bottle and gave it to my friend for his cough he was fed up taking medicine that did not help…used it to inhale the mist as he breathed in and in 4 days showed up without a cough….a heavy smoker too, also a paramedic…we have been friends for years. I use it daily..

    • Aloe Vera Studies says:

      Just a warning to people reading this… Colloidal Silver should NEVER be taken internally. Its side effects are terrible to say the least as it can cause an irreversible blue/gray coloration of the skin:

      • Stan says:

        I use both, the juice and the gel but the product is “Lily of the Desert”….as for colloidal silver…if it says “shake well before using”…don’t buy it. Silver goes back to an age where goblets and plates, knives and forks etc…were used and during that period there was very little sickness….this is in the history book about “COLLOIDAL SILVER”

      • Shirley powers says:

        That is nonsense. I have been taking silver colloidal daily for years now with absolutely no side effects. Just take a reliable brand. This is fear mongering perpetuated by the medical establishment.

        • RALPH MELEADY says:

          An amish lady I know well used silver and she is as grey as a a silver plate…her skin makes her look DEAD. She has been like this for years now and can not get rid of it…it is absolutely TERRIBAL…

    • Patti says:

      This sounds like a great idea and Id like to try it. What type of ALoe did you use , Gel or non-gel? Also not famiiar with Collodial Silver and what type to get. Appreciate whatever you are willing to share. Thanks!

    • imkairer says:

      The ALOE JUICE with the seal in the bottom tight corner of label says Internation Council Seal of Purity ….drink 2 oz day but you can drink as much as you want… it can only help you not hurt you

  3. janice connolly says:

    what is the best aloe vera capsules, gels, cream, and or juice, for skin problems, such as seborrheic dermatitis?
    please help…. very desperate…

    • imkairer says:

      Seborhea Dermatitis starts from inside your body. Buy Pycnogel from the health food store take 20 ml for every 20 pounds you weigh for ten day and that will help but you may have to go 2 weeks. Just a suggestion you know….Stan

  4. Barbara says:

    I got my aloe vera juice at Walmart but only but the cane sugar or honey bottles as there are bottles with fructose that is not a good sweetener. I also found different aloe vera drinks in China town sweetened with honey or cane sugar. Try to avoid glucose as it is modified from corn syrup from what I have read about it and is not digested by the body as easily as cane sugar or honey.

  5. Tanya says:

    I just bought some aloe Vera Juice from Wal-Mart ( affordable)because I think I have an ulcer; however the juice has a taste very much like Gator Ade and the Aloe Juice is quite salty tasting which I don’t like. Is Aloe Juice supposed to taste salty?
    Thanks very much

    • Ali says:

      Try taking it with pomegrante juice you dont taste it

    • dt says:

      put it in a fruit or veggie smoothie it covers up the taste completly.

  6. Ambermudez says:

    I have some kind of stomach pain that comes and goes. It may either be gas or gallstones :( I was told to drink aloe juice from herbalife and that would make it better is this true?

    • jd says:

      So you mean gastro-intestinal pain, not your actual stomach…. People always say stomach when the mean intestines. Anyway, yes should work. Also try grapefruit seed extract.

    • jd says:

      It DOESN’T have to be Herbal Life (even though they DO have good products). Just make sure it’s pure aloe vera w/o added ingredients that won’t help your body! Hope this helps. By the way, drink at least 2 ozs. (1/4 cup) of aloe vera juice per day! Hope this helps!

  7. Prem Joshi says:

    I suffer fron chronic constipation. I ha tried metamucil,senakot and other remidies. Nothing worked. I am also taking 2 tablespoons of alo vera gel in the morning. It has not made any difference. Please suggest what I should do now to relieve my constipation. Thank you so much for your help.

    • Donna Fields says:

      Purchase corn silk tablets from a health food store and take 1 a day and drink plenty of water. Or cook some okra and drink the juice and eat the okra. Both of these are proven methods to aid in constipation. With the corn silk it may take a day or two. Okra may not take as long. Refrigerate all the liquid from okra and take about 3 tablespoons a day or night. Again, drink plenty of water. This will clean you out.

    • Ellen Plain says:

      You’re not taking enough of the aloe vera juice! 2 tablespoons is not enough! You need to drink at least 2 ozs. (1/4 cup) each day (at the least). Hope this helps, Prem Joshi!

      • Ellen Plain says:

        I forgot to mention something! I’m on quite a bit of medication that causes constipation. I’ve ALWAYS had a hard time w/ constipation. What has helped me the most is taking senna (8.6 mg 4/day), a full cap of Miralax (also can get the EXACT same thing in Walmart’s brand which is SO much cheaper), and Benefiber (a heaping taplespoon – also Walmart brand).. Aloe Vera Juice also helped my constipation. Now I go sometimes 3X/day (which is a miracle for me)! Hope this helps! Ellen

    • imkairer says:

      DrinK 2 oz of aloe in am and 2 oz at bed time…you will be going in short time…works for me….gel is for burns or skin problems…drink ALOE JUICE don’t fool around, HEALS FROM INSIDE OUT…

    • Carol says:

      Purchase a good probiotic. I started on New Chapter brand made especially for the colon. It took several weeks to work. If you have problem w/ peristalis of the colon, also take magnesium with the probiotic) I take 800 to 1000 mg (2 capsules daily). If I miss one of these daily, I am in trouble. Read on-line about probiotic dosages & magnesium. Everybody is different in that regard. Wal-mart carries both, but they are less expensive on the web. As they always say, check W/ ur doctor first. No white flour, rice and sugar is worse. Exercise may help–even simple ones (floor exercise). These 2 items working together will help. Give it time. All probiotics should be refrigerated constantly as they are a live bacteria that our bodies require. It is trial & error to find what actually works for each of us. If this does not work, maybe a gastric endocrinologist can help. Align advertised on TV is a probiotic, sometimes recommended by these doctors. I have not used that as is a little more expensive. I am testing one from Puritan. Their prices R fair w/ no shipping. Hope this info helps someone. It took many hours of research to figure this out. Good luck to you as I know it is a chronic problem.

  8. janet frendian says:

    As far as I know Aloe Vera Gel is excellent for any stomack pain, am I right or not. I used that for several months after my ankle surgery and it helps me a lot for my stiches and wounds. I believe to that, but I would like to know if someonece who has unknown stomack pain will that help or not, becuase I know that is exccelent for stomack problems. Please advise.

    • imkairer says:

      Drink 2 oz in am and 2 oz in pm took me of 3 rolls of rolaids a day in 1 week…ALOE JUICE THAT IS….

    • yvonne says:

      my sister has just recently had a number of diagnoses– gastritis, acid reflux, ulcer… she is into natural remedies, and we used to drink aloe vera juice/gel faithfully, but we weren’t able to get to the store that carried the brand that we normally drank, but her issues were so severe and seemingly unstoppable that we went on an got one of the brands that they sold at the health food store, and you know what? It has been working outstandingly. She had been slowly improving and hovering around a 6 or 7 pain wise, but over the past week since she’s been drinking the Aloe Vera Gel, she is at a 9. I am so happy to hear this, because she has been very sick with her stomach. We couldn’t have picked a better natural remedy to use.

  9. Phil says:

    Just another positive statement about the efficacy of aloe vera juice. My mother (who died in 1998) was severely crippled in her middle age by rheumatoid arthritis. About 20 years before she died she heard about aloe vera juice and began taking it. In a remarkably short time she was pain free. Her joints were still crippled, but she said she could live with it, so long as the pain was gone.

  10. Onyx St louis says:

    I have aloe plants growing, how much should i eat and how often. Can I also give it to my thirteen year old daughter since her face is breaking out with puberty.

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