Chili Peppers: Fire up Your Diet and Help Your Diabetes!

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Chili Peppers: Fire up Your Diet and Help Your Diabetes!

Chili PepperChili peppers are one of the superfoods that can help with Diabetes. They have a wealth of helpful benefits that make them a superfood.

The term peppers encompasses a large group of plants that are in the Capsicum family. These plants contain benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and analgesic effects. These effects come from the capsaicinoids that are found in the peppers. In addition, the peppers also contain carotenes, flavonoids, and high levels of Vitamin C.

Give Your Food a Kick and Kick Diabetes

Chili peppers contain Capsaicin which has known anti-inflammatory properties. Studies are now being conducted on how well Capsaicin can help with Diabetes and the secondary diseases that are often present with it.

Dr. Ahuja, a research fellow at the University Of Tasmania School Of Life Science, has been conducting studies on the effects of Capsaicin on Diabetes patients. The results have been astounding. She has been studying this topic for five years and has gathered much information on the subject of chili peppers. As noted in many medical journals, those who suffer from Diabetes are at an increased risk for developing Atherosclerosis. This is a hardening of the arteries from a buildup of plaque from cholesterol in the blood. The studies that Dr. Ahuja has conducted have shown that Capsaicin in the chili peppers helps to lower the oxidation of LDL in the blood. Studies are also being conducted to see if Capsaicin might prevent Type 2 Diabetes.

In other studies, it has been shown that meals that were prepared using chili peppers required less Insulin to regulate the blood sugar both in Diabetes patients and in those without diabetes. This study was carried out in 2006 by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australia. The study showed that Diabetes patients who continued to use peppers in their cooking saw decreased blood sugar levels and a decreased need for Insulin. Eating these peppers in many different meals can begin to help the Diabetes sufferer rely less on Insulin and more on eating healthy.

While studies are still being conducted, it is hoped that further information from studies will show that Capsaicin can prevent and even stop Type 2 Diabetes.

Spice up Your Life and Your Diet

There are many ways to eat the wonderful chili pepper. Most people can’t handle the raw peppers. The good news is that studies have shown that the same benefits are given whether the peppers are cooked or raw. You can incorporate peppers into many dishes. Some people even use them in sweet recipes, such as truffles and brownies. Peppers can be sautéed in stews and stir-fry, or chopped up in salsa.

Many recipes for chili peppers combine them with tomatoes for even more anti-oxidant features and benefits. Salsa that is made with chili peppers can be used with tortilla chips as a dip, put on tacos, and scrambled with eggs in the morning for breakfast.

Many people enjoy stir-fry vegetables. You can make this a healthy dish by omitting the oil and using fat-free cooking spray. Chop up some fiery red chili peppers for a spicy flavor boost. You can add trimmed chicken breast, shrimp, or low-fat beef for a complete meal.

Peppers can also be chopped up into salads. They should be chopped finely so as to avoid too much heat. Low-fat dressing can be added to give even more flavor. This provides an interesting twist to the boring old salad routine. Try different dressing combinations to provide variety. Many people find Italian dressing goes well drizzled over chili peppers on a crisp bed of lettuce and salad toppings.

If you are looking for adventure in cooking, you can try chocolate truffles made with honey, fine chocolate, and chili powder from chili peppers. This adds an interesting vivid flavor to the chocolate. First you get the great, sweet taste of chocolate, and then the heat comes in at the finish. This is a really great way to enjoy chocolate along with the great health benefits of the chili peppers.

Try adding chili peppers to all kinds of dishes. Experiment with different flavor combinations to find what you like. Adding chili peppers to soups, hamburgers, and meatloaf can bring these once boring dishes back into life. Enjoy the flavor and heat that these little peppers hold inside, and you will also enjoy the health benefits that they can offer to your Diabetes.

Buy the Best Chili Peppers to Give a Punch to your Recipes

Chili peppers come in a variety of forms. They can be fresh, dried, and powdered. All of the peppers start out as being green and then turn red. As the Chili peppers turn redder, they become sweeter.

Since chili peppers often have a thick skin, it can be difficult to tell when they are over-ripened. You can normally tell by looking at the skin. If the skin has brown marks or places that feel soft to the touch instead of firm, the pepper may be over-ripe. In general, you can eat peppers in all stages of ripeness. From green, to yellow and red, you can enjoy them at any stage of growth.

It is important to note that in general, the smaller the pepper, the more heat that it will produce. This isn’t always the case, but is a good rule of thumb to follow when you are purchasing chili peppers. The skins should be shiny and the stalk area should be enclosed and green.

When buying dried chili peppers, it is best to buy sun-dried chili peppers as they have more flavor than commercially dried versions. Learning about the different chili forms and how they can be used in cooking can help you to develop great flavors in your dishes.

When you are looking for the best deals and variety on chili peppers, you can often find an abundance at outdoor ethnic markets. Asian markets often have a host of chili pepper varieties to choose from.

If you are feeling adventuresome and have a little bit of green on your thumb, you can try growing your own varieties.

Let’s Get Personal

Do you REALLY need to follow a strict diet? – Original picture by Jean Fortunet

One of the most frustrating parts of having diabetes, is having to worry about what you’re eating.

Eating what you want becomes a chore.

Since eating is so crucial to our survival, having to worry about it as much as diabetics do, is a major hassle.

Some diabetics cope with this, by following strict diets.

These diets define what foods they can eat when, in order to help balance blood sugar levels.

By following these diets, it’s possible, to some extent, to “forget” about diabetes, and have a more consistent life.

Of course, if you’ve ever tried following one of these diets, you’ll know it’s not easy.

Like any diet, when you rigidly stick to one eating schedule, your body gets tired really quickly.

That’s why today, I’d like to suggest an alternative to diabetes diets.

I’m talking about a diet that is specifically designed to reduce the acidity around your pancreas.

If you’ll remember, this acidity damages your beta cells, making it impossible for them to produce insulin.

In part, this acidic buildup has to do with diet.

That’s why in diabetes reversal, the diet you follow is important.

But here’s the key difference.

With diabetes reversal, the diet you follow is temporary.

You only need to follow it for as long as it takes to rid yourself of the acidity in your body.

Now, depending on your particular situation, the amount of time this takes will differ.

But the key is, that once you complete the diet, your diabetes should be completely cured.

Sounds good, right?

Now, there is more to diabetes reversal than just dieting.

But not a whole lot more.

Learn everything about it by clicking here.

Like I’ve hinted at, diabetes reversal isn’t an overnight thing.

It won’t be the easiest thing you’ve ever done in your life.

Nor will it be the hardest – far from it, in fact.

If you’re sick of living with diabetes, I want you to know that you no longer have to.

To your health,

Charles W. James

P.S. In the next article, I’m going to share a story with you, that I hope will motivate you to start using diabetes reversal.

It’s tragic, but could have it been prevented? For you, hopefully, there’s still time.

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